Every dollar makes a difference
in the life of a struggling child
in our community.
Why Support STAIR?
Studies show that students who read on grade level by third grade are four times more likely to graduate from high school than their peers who do not meet this critical milestone.
Low literacy in young people is associated with poor life experiences; 85% of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate. On the contrary, students who continue their education through high school graduation have an increased likelihood of earning a living wage and living a healthy life. Almost 70% of New Orleans third graders cannot read on a third grade reading level. STAIR works to reverse this statistic by making a lifelong impact on students, ensuring that they meet the critical third grade reading level milestone.
Children in our community deserve the chance to succeed. STAIR works! STAIR can continue our important work building literacy in our economically disadvantaged community thanks to generous donors like YOU! Thank you for being a part of the solution.
If you have a donor-advised fund with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can log into your fund HERE to make your grant recommendation to STAIR.
STAIR Partners and Sponsors
STAIR is grateful to our community partners, corporate sponsors, and dozens of individual, family, and group donors across the greater New Orleans area and throughout the country. Our success would not be possible without your generous support!